wars of the roses artinya
- wars of the roses
- perang bunga mawar
- perang mawar
- roses: rumpun mawar; mawar
- people of the wars of the roses: tokoh perang mawar
- a bed of roses: kehidupan mewah
- bed of roses: keadaan menyenangkan; tempat
- oil of roses: minyak mawar
- war of the roses: perang mawar
- days of wine and roses (film): days of wine and roses; days of wine and roses (film)
- gathered life's roses: mencari kesenangan hidup
- guns n' roses albums: album guns n' roses
- bed of roses (bon jovi song): bed of roses
- greatest hits (guns n' roses album): greatest hits (album guns n' roses)
- wars of the middle ages by former country: perang yang melibatkan negara abad pertengahan
- wars of the diadochi: perang diadokhoi
- wars of the three kingdoms: peperangan tiga kerajaan
- wars of the delian league: peperangan liga delos
- warsaj district: daerah warsaj